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Welcome to the Jumbo Soccer Academy page. We are thrilled that we will be able to hold our summer clinics on our campus at Tufts University.  These clinics will be led by Tufts Head Coach Kyle Dezotell & Staff. Clinics will be coached by the Tufts Men’s Soccer staff. Current players from Tufts will also serve as coaches and counselors. Along with the Tufts Staff and players, each clinic day will  guarantee at least 2-3 participating coaches from other high academic NCAA DI or NCAA DIII college programs. Participating additional coaches will be advertised in advance. Each clinic will be served by a certified Athletic Trainer and will provide water throughout  the day. At the Jumbo Soccer Academy, you will learn from and experience coaching from one of the top academic and athletic institutions in the country.

Tuft's Team photo

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Upcoming Events

Event Dates Register
Junior Jumbo Soccer Academy | April 04/21/2025 - 04/23/2025 Register
Jumbo Soccer Academy | June 25th 06/25/2025 Register
Junior Jumbo Soccer Academy | July 07/08/2025 - 07/10/2025 Register
Jumbo Soccer Academy | July 14th - 15th 07/14/2025 - 07/15/2025 Register
Jumbo Soccer Academy | July 22nd - 23rd 07/22/2025 - 07/23/2025 Register
Jumbo Soccer Academy | August 6th - 7th 08/06/2025 - 08/07/2025 Register